Monday 14 March 2016

School fee bill excel template Word

School fee bill excel template word is now easily available for the schools, colleges and universities as well as for other teaching institutions to show the details of the fee and the basic fee amount and the charges including in the net fee as students have taken extra classes or lab fees and computers labs charges are also added.

Format of school fee bill excel template word

·         No
·         Name
·         Father name
·         Date
·         S. No
·         Tuition
·         Transport
·         Stationary
·         Assessment
·         Security
·         Admission fee

While school fee bill is used in schools to show the details of the fee like amount charged for transport services taken from school bus or admission fee which is usually paid once time while taking admission in the school. 

Excel template word is now available for the institutions providing tut ion and coaching classes to the students during summer vacation or generally.

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