Monday 14 March 2016

Format Of Medical Bills In Word Format

Format of medical bills in word format is now easily chosen as medical bills with various formats are added here therefore choosing one is easy for you. 

While looking for a specific or multiple medical bill try to find one which shows all the details of the items or treatments taken by patients while visiting a specific hospital or clinic.

Format of medical bills in word

·       Patient name
·         Sex
·         Age
·         Address
·         Medical services
·         Treatments
·         Rates
·         Concession
·         Sum
·         Payments
·         Date
·         Signature
·         Tax rate

Medical bill is a document which shows that a patient has visited a specific healthcare institution for taking treatment or diagnosis for specific medical condition.

Individual charges for the treatments are showed up in the invoice formulated using word format. Concession and discount amount if any is given is also showed in the medical bill.

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